The Artist Residency is located at Édouard Glissant House (Maison Édouard Glissant), 97223 Le Diamant, Martinique (FR), and open from 2024 to world’s visual artists, art curators & critics, writers, poets, musicians. The Resident is fully free to allocate his/her/their time of residence to the activities of his/her/their choice (including – but not limited to – research, communications linked to his/her/their artistic activities, exchanges with the population of Martinique, artworks conception or production, etc). The Artist Residency does not entail any production obligation. The present program is exclusively for art residency purposes, in a non-profit perspective, and must not be used for the exercise of any commercial activity. Resident and Edouard Glissant Art Fund, including its representatives, commit to ethical behavior within the framework of this Residency and in their respective activities. Both confirm their full and complete acceptance of the Fund’s Code of Ethics.
Édouard Glissant House
The Édouard Glissant House is the last house owned by Édouard Glissant (09/21/1928 – 02/11/2011. Acquired in 1996, Édouard Glissant wrote there – traveling between New York where he taught and Paris where he carried out various cultural projects – his latest essays and novels such as ‘Sartorius. Le roman des Batoutos / The novel of the Batoutos’ and ‘ Philosophie de la Relation / Philosophy of Relationship’. Édouard Glissant considered this second home, facing the Diamond Rock, as a primary inspiration place, and often repeated that he felt there like on a boat. In 2022, the Édouard Glissant House received the ‘illustrious house / Maison des illustres’ label. This label was created and is awarded by the French Culture Ministry, to promoting places whose vocation is to preserve and transmit the memory of women and men who have distinguished themselves in political, scientific, social, and cultural French history.

Open call
No active Open call as of today. Please follow the section “News”.
Former residents
First residencies expected in 2024. Please follow the section “News”.