Ana Kiffer
Ana Kiffer is a writer, professor at the Pós-Graduação en Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade Program, PUC-Rio, and at the Contemporary Art Studies Program, UFF Federal Fluminense University (BR). She was Program Director at the International College of Philosophy (2006-2012), coordinated the CAPES-COFECUB Cooperation Agreement between PUC-Rio and Paris VII (2007-2012) and was Guest Professor at Paris VII (2018-19). Specialist and translator of Antonin Artaud’s work in Brazil, her research focuses on the relationships between the body and writing, and on the political affections of the body. She published several essays on contemporary political hatred (AR, BR, ES, FR). She has been working on a critical rereading of Édouard Glissant’s writings which resulted, among other things, in the publication of several articles, as well as an exhibition for the 34th Sao Paulo Art Biennial (BR) in 2021. She coordinates the Édouard Glissant publications at Bazar do Tempo editions.