The Edouard Glissant Art Fund has the objective to promote access to - and dissemination of - the Édouard Glissant art collection. This collection is comprised of about 200 artworks, mainly from artists' bequests, including around a hundred in the collections of the Memorial ACTe museum, in Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe, Caribbean).
This collection was created throughout Édouard Glissant’ s life, thanks to his friendship with artists and to the M2A2 (Musée Martiniquais des Arts des Amériques / Martinican Museum of Americas Arts) initiative.
The Édouard Glissant Collection is comprised of about 200 works, mainly from artists’ bequests, including around a hundred in the collections of the Mémorial ACTe museum, in Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe, Caribbean).
This collection includes works by the artists Valerio Adami (1935, IT), Victor Anicet (1938, Martinique), Victor Brauner (1903-1966, RO), Agustín Cárdenas (1927-2001, CU), Gerardo Chavez (1937, PE ), José Gamarra (1934, UY), Serge Hélénon (1934, Martinique), Jean Hélion (1904-1987, FR), Wifredo Lam (1902-1982, CU), Jean-Jacques Lebel (1936, FR), Roberto Matta (1911-2022, CL), Irving Petlin (1934-2018, US), Pancho Quilici (1954, VE), Antonio Seguí (1934-2022, AR), Yves Tanguy (1900-1955, FR/US), Enrique Zañartu (1921-2000, CL/FR)…

Agustin Cardenas, ® Tete, 1970 bronze 28,5 x 10,5 x 22 cm, don de Elena Cardenas-Malogodi

Alberto Guzman, « Poème jaune » acrylique sur relief de papier et emboîtage de plexiglas, 140 x 100 cm don de l’artiste au M2A2

Alfredo Jaar, Photographies de Robben Island

Alicia Penalba, ® Cou coup‚ ¯ bronze (sur tige fix‚e sur une plaque m‚tallique) 61 x 21 x21 cm

Anabel Guerero ,photos, indienne Guajira, collection de l’artiste

Caravelle de malheur, Dessin d’Edouard Glissant

Jos‚ Gamarra, ® Jungle ¯ huile sur toile, collection particuliŠre

Jos‚ Gamarra, ® Jungle ¯ huile sur toile, collection particuliŠre

Pancho Quilici, « Passage au centre 2 », 2000, technique mixte sur toile et construction en aluminium et câbles, 20 x 120 cm, collection de l’artiste

Portrait d’Edouard Glissant par Sylvie Sema, encre sur papier

Portrait d’Edouard Glissant par Sylvie Sema, encre sur papier
Édouard Glissant and artists
Section in progress.
M2A2 Martinican Museum of Americas Arts
M2A2 Martinican Museum of Americas Arts (Musée Martiniquais des Arts des Amériques) was designed by Édouard Glissant, based on his art collection, today mainly bequeathed to the ACTe Memorial museum in Pointe à Pitre (Guadeloupe, Caribbean). Part of this collection was presented at the Mémorial ACTe, from December 2017 to April 2018. Édouard Glissant would have liked the creation of a place dedicated to art, both a Caribbean arts crossroads and a projection on world aesthetics. On two occasions, the collections of the project museum were presented in Paris, in 1999 and in 2004. Today, the Edouard Glissant Art Fund includes in its objectives the access promotion and dissemination of the Édouard Glissant art collection, through nomadic projects, and in connection with new artists generations.